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Full Version: Mount iso in Mandriva.
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Ok This relates to mandriva 2008 and mounting iso images so ya can do whatever..This still applies as far as im sure with most recent release.
First open console and login as su.
Then cd to directory you have iso image at.
Now you need to make the directory you want to mount to using below code.
mkdir /mnt/iso ofcourse the /mnt/iso could be whatever but lets make it simple.
Next we need to actually mount image to that destination. Assuming you are still at location of iso.
mount -o loop whatever_file.iso /mnt/iso
Ofcourse the whatever_file.iso is just the name of your iso ya wanna mount.
And the /mnt/iso is the dir you made earlier.
Hope this helps someone....
It helps me all the time.
I had this problem too. you need to make sure after mount. Even in cd that you do /home/USER/PROGRAM/whatever.iso /mnt/iso blah.iso. You get it.