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This is a post i made some time ago now and just thought i would post it here in the hope someone out there gets some use out of it.
Now like i said this was posted some time ago and i have not checked it against the latest distros so things may vary.
And i certainly dont say this is the only way or best way or even safest way. Simply how i did it.

Here is a basic setup of mandriva 2007 spring edition as a server with mambo cms. Also webmin to control. Most of this is done without console, although some has to be used. This is not a perfect setup by any means. Just a setup i found worked if you follow my directions.

1 Install mandriva 2007 spring edition.
2 Choose standard security with no login.
3 Choose erase and use entire disk unless ya know what ya doin.
4 Install Internet station, Network client, Configuration, Console tools, Development, Web/ftp, Mail, Database, Firewall/Router, Network Computer server and perhaps the kde Workstation.
5 The rest of the install is straight forward.
6 Choose yes to updates but dont install any.
7 Reboot system.
8 Start Package manager and search and install webmin then close.
9 Make sure your firewall has port 10000/tcp available for webmin.
10 Run console su then type webmin It should start. Then type https://localhost:10000 or https://(your local address) in your webbrowser to access that. You will login as root with roots password first time. Change that.
11 Start Package manager and search and install all MySQL-5.0 or whater package. Close package manager.
12 Open console and su then type this to start mysql /etc/init.d/mysqld start
13 Reboot system.
14 Start Package manager and search and install all bind packages.
search and install php-mysql x2 packages.
search and install php-pgsql package.
search and install fetchmail x3 packages.
search and install postfix-ldap package.
search and install proftp all packages.
search and install spamassassin x4 packages.
search and install all xml packages.
15 Download Mambo cms from
16 Download java from get the latest rpm.
17 Save file somewhere that you have permissions eg /home/damink/download
18 Open console su then cd to directory where file is. eg cd/home/damink/download
19 Now type chmod a+x jre-6u2-linux-i586-rpm.bin If that fails check you have same version eg 6u2
20 Now type ./jre-6u2-linux-i586-rpm.bin That will start the install. Close console.
21 Reboot System.
22 Now most everything can be done from webbrowser. either from server or from local puter.
23 Change your httpd conf file to suit your needs then create a folder for mambo.
24 Extract mambos contents to that directory.. so all the files are in /mambo
25 Via webbrowser go to ya local address of machine.. like 192.168.... with /mambo at end.
26 You will be asked to change permissions on a few folders in mambo.. do all that is asked.
27 Between mambo and webmin you should now have a good setup system.
28 You might want to edit the /etc/php.ini file also. That has a couple of things to look at (sort of optional).
29 default database is called test with no password when that time comes. Thats for testing only, you will need to create a password protected one later.

ps.. Doing it in a different order fucks things up a bit. I tested it this way so thats why i posted it like this.
You could proberbly go without some packages and add some otheres, but once again this is just my way of doing it.
I never sudjest my way is a safer way than others or better or whatever. I just make it so as little console stuff as possible is used.. Mostly gui with everything.