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Make a keyboard shortcut to force a Blue Screen Of Death.

I do this mainly for fun but partly to force shutdown if i got something hanging up.

1. Run regedit or similar registry editing tool (start/run/regedit).
2. Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\i8042prt\Parameters
3. On the Edit menu, click Add Value, and then add the following registry value:
Value Name: CrashOnCtrlScroll Data Type: REG_DWORD Value: 1
4. All done. Now you can create your own bsod by Ctrl and Scroll.
5. Note: You must restart your computer for these changes to take effect.

Oh wait thats me Smile Prob dont need to point to the source.
Haha, holding down the power button just isn't dangerous enough for you is it?
(12-26-2009, 09:56 PM)Extasey Wrote: [ -> ]Haha, holding down the power button just isn't dangerous enough for you is it?

Non lol hilarious Roflmao
If you hold the power button for 5 seconds you get a hardware shutdown. This is built into the BIOS of any computer.
(01-01-2010, 07:40 PM)Omniscient Wrote: [ -> ]If you hold the power button for 5 seconds you get a hardware shutdown. This is built into the BIOS of any computer.

I guess this was more about the ability to do it rather than function.
But i certainly agree. Hard boot is simple enough.
If you are sitting lets say meter from your computer it could be a nasty stretch to reach your arm to the power button. I know friends that seriously damaged there arms and shoulders by doing that. I even know a kid that broke his back by bending over because his computer was under his desk Thumbsup.

(12-26-2009, 09:53 PM)DAMINK™ Wrote: [ -> ]Source.
Oh wait thats me Smile Prob dont need to point to the source.
Pah shameless advertising heh Nono.
(01-01-2010, 09:48 PM)Zomaian Wrote: [ -> ]If you are sitting lets say meter from your computer it could be a nasty stretch to reach your arm to the power button. I know friends that seriously damaged there arms and shoulders by doing that. I even know a kid that broke his back by bending over because his computer was under his desk Thumbsup.
Pah shameless advertising heh Nono.

lol that is quite funny.
As for the shameless promotion i agree It was a bit in poor taste.
However i did get told in another thread to mention my source which was also me so i do this sometimes as a bit of a dig at said poster Smile
Heh I was kidding about the kid breaking his back + injuring their arms. Just being over-rated sarcastic ^.^. I was also kidding about the shameless promotion!

Come one are my jokes that hard :S. Anyways you do not got to source if it's made by you without any guides, etc.
Hahah, that's cool. I know what to do now to make my friends be like "WTF!?!?!?!?!" Devlish
I remember I got bsod when I was coding something and testing it.
It is serious windows bug that m$ do not know about it at all.
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