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Full Version: [flash] [tut] [youtube] Simple motion tween.
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This is a video tutorial i made a long time ago lol. But thought i would share it here.
I have made several others also if anyone cares to see them?
I could perhaps even make custom ones if i can do what you want.

Anyway this tutorial is simply to show how to made an object move in flash.
Simple tutorial but here we go lol.

Your aussie aren't you?
Nice tutorial, its down to earth, and you actually speak. Most people are too shy or don't have a microphone and just type the instructions in notepad.
Yep im Aussie mate. Melbourne boy.
And yea i like to speak in them now and again. Makes it easier to understand i feel.
Exactly, because without even realizing it, you explain the things that you had trouble with when you talk. With text, most the time you just can't be bothered to go into an excessive amount of detail.