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Full Version: Virus (trojan) remover ?
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Hi everyone...

I think I've been infected lately...

Now i want to know if there is any tool or software that can COMPLETLY remove the trojan.... virus... and that runs on windows 7.

Thank you very much Smile
Most AV's will or at least should do the job for you.
Could we get a little more info regarding this?
You could perhaps try malware bytes. You can get this free here.
But i find often the best way is to eliminate a trojan is to first find it and then reboot into safe mode and delete it then.
Followed by many scans to make sure its all cleaned up.
Good luck with this either way and keep us posted on how you go.
You could try ESET Smart Security. Which is based on NOD 32 plus ESEt now works on Windows 7.
Malwarebyte's anti-Malware is the best tool I have ever used for removing Trojans. It's free, light weight, and works under most circumstances.

If you are having trouble removing a virus and things start to get iffy, post a HighJackThis log and hopefully someone can help you. Theres a tutorial on this somewhere.