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Full Version: Im so excited that actually .. Im doing nothing..
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Step away from the!

Just joking. You might want to think about starting a "to do" list on a daily basis, and crossing off each item as it's completed. That's what I normally do when I feel I lack motivation Smile
(12-27-2009, 09:43 AM)41Shots Wrote: [ -> ]Candy releases endorphines, i think thats why your happy after chocolate :p

Are you sure about that? I know exercise releases endorphins but I didn't think candy did. I always thought candy gives you energy because of the basic(non-complex) sugars that your body is able to use right away.
That happens to me when I get a lot of new stuff at once. I freeze up and don't do anything, then go lay down until I calm down.
Lol, you sound a little overwhelmed! Maybe you should just take some time to calm down, go watch TV, have a nap, read a book, etc.

Good luck. Smile

I know I have that feeling too during times in which I have nothing to do. It is common but you do not want to see me in that mood as you may think I am crazy.
You sound same as my bro.
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