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Full Version: Hey Code friends, i complete my first aplication!!
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Here is my new aplication.

How it works?:
You writhe the text in the text box then click the voice it button and you have your text on voice!!!!

Note: A very boring voice XD

Download it here:

Tanks for the user apache he make more part of the code than me.

Please rate. Yeye Yeye Yeye Pirate Big Grin Tongue Roflmao Thumbsup Yeye

Congratulations! You should be proud of yourself. Now you should give yourself a challenge and have some fun at the same time once more!

I have a list of user-friendly tutorials that you can use to help you out even more:

Youtube Visual Basic tutorials
Thats pretty solid for a first project.
I remember my first one. It was a program written in BBC BASIC that said "fudge off" if you typed in the wrong password, if you got the right one it closed itself.

Not bad, you should move on to make something better, though. Don't just stop at one good program, think of something better that might be useful to someone one day and release it.
That is "Really" Good.
I don't think it's your first time o.o
nice for first program, mine was hello world in java, pretty gay huh lol.
Well done!

I remember my first one I made, it was a Message Box Creator; for writing fake messages. And yeah I made one of those Text to Voice programs too, they're alot of fun.
I haven't figured out how to do that in VB yet. but I have the code for a txt saved as .vbs. when it's opened it starts talking. i made it loop to annoy people Big Grin
Awesome project dude...

Well Done :xD
That's better than my first application.
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