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Full Version: Computer Commands made by Red X
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Computer Commands was a small application I developed that looks like and inherits the Windows XP pop-up that displays when you want to shutdown, restart, or put your computer to standby. What makes this application different is that it comes with a new unique feature which is the ability to operate a timed-shutdown.
Once new option has been selected, you will be asked to login. The credentials for logging are: Username: Admin Password: demo
It's case-sensitive.
If typed in correctly, you shall receive a message telling you so. Once pressed the 'Ok' button, the user will be prompted with the menu(and a picture of Red X!). There you can mess with the options and procedure for when to shut down.
If typed in wrong, you shall receive a fake Blue-Screen-of-Death(BSOD). It will say some stuff and then in text it will say,"Click here to continue." Even though it is only text, I have made it more noticeable than the rest and it is still clickable. Once clicked the program will simply close.

Download here:
screenshots plz.
Okay. Uploading the picture was a success. I uploaded it to ThreatExpert and they captured a picture of it.

[Image: getimage.aspx?uid=2d9dbf7f-51e3-43f3-b59...reen&sub=1]

The content shown in the above window is captured automatically and is not controlled or endorsed by ThreatExpert.
you can take your own screenshots or video of any window or even control with Ashampoo snap 3. it's really nice
Thanks for your suggestion but that wasn't the problem. When I uploaded a file for some reason my internet connection wouldn't work and I had to restart my router so I tried uploading to ThreatExplorer and it worked.

So does anyone like the program?
Bump for old thread. I think this deserves a bump for new attention. You might enjoy this program!