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Full Version: Jailbreaking iPhone 3GS 3.2.1
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Has anybody successfully done it?
I've done it with blackra1n, but every time I turned it off the phone would need to be connected to my computer to run the program again. (If I don't I can't start the phone)
The iphone dev blog is a good place to check for this stuff, AFAIK all of the 'jailbreaking tools' use their methods of jailbreaking, The only one out for 3.1.2 on a 3GS is tethered afaik.
Haha, what does AFAIK stand for?

I've been checking them but they only seem to have custom firmware for version 3.1. I hate custom firmware from other people, cause its always fuked. Other then that I need a mac to make my own.
No you don't, there are tools for Windows that you can use to generate your own custon firmware, check the links on the side.
Can't find one for windows and firmware 3.1.2.
Give us a hand?
Ohh 3.1.2, I thought there was already one out for it, Hmm, I'll take a look.
Yeah, atm they only have a teathered jailbreak :@
Yeah it won't be long before an untethered one comes out, who actually turns their iPhones off anyway?
Yeah, the only reason mine is ever turned off is when it crashes. Usually cause by jailbreaking in the first place.

I have the weirdest glitch ever. It set its own background and I can't change it.
...rick astley?
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