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I like heavy clouded/rainy/snowy weather. It makes me feel nice and relaxes me. I don't like sunny and clear weather very much to be honest. Sun annoys me (On winter)

What is your favorite weather?
Rain at night. As you said, it relaxes me.
During the day I like lots of sun, or overcast but really warm. Just before a hail storm. Chills me out.
I like warm summer rain.
Snowy and really cold, or sunny. I hate rain.
It 100% depends on what mood I'm in, most of the time I'm not into the whole hot days thing, it is better if there's a breeze or there's wind or something.
I'm usually a fan of hot summer rain or hot overcast days; Also I used to live a few streets down from a beach so I liked hot evenings because I could just go for a walk at the beach and sometimes even catch an epic sunset, I'm right in the city now so I can't really do that anymore; whenever it's summer I kinda feel claustrophobic because I can't escape all the lights and traffic and highrise buildings and just get away from it all, it's pretty lame; but I'm at a batter school and all now so I guess it was for the better.

Woah, I totally just rambled on about my life for a minute there.
I live in the dark, I go to bed when the sun comes up, I wake up as it is goes down. I prefer the nightlife, thunderstorms, cold weather.
78 degrees with a cool breeze and a few scattered clouds.
If not, then I want a freaking gigantic lightning storm of doom.

I used to live in southern California, so I used to have sunny weather often... but now I live Ohio, and I hate snow and coldness. >:|