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(11-28-2009, 01:42 AM)Xenocide Wrote: [ -> ]At last,some drama in SF.

Yeah huh.
Well, it's now in the past and Omni took time to improve things, which is a very good thing.
I'm sure that someone as immature and inexperienced as the person who got into Panik's account (since he started deleting his posts, which is completely senseless) did not use proper measures to conceal their identity, and if Omni was serious about reporting him, then it's too bad for the "hacker". More problems for his parents to deal with.
let it be known as it always should have been people need to take some self responsibility into consideration... (that goes for both victims and attackers)
Lol you think Firestar knows the first thing about self responsibility?
Quote: Omni what proof do you have that I hacked PaNiK? I never hacked any member of this site.

Your stupidity amazes me. It's as though you are so daft that you sincerely believe the words that come out of your mouth. Read this:
Man, I need to be more active of SF, I missed this whole thing!
Firestar probably reverted Panik's hotmail, and used the password reset thing for SF. Happened to me, and since my hotmail was almost used for every account I signed up was pretty bad.
(11-28-2009, 10:01 PM)[H]atsune[M]iku Wrote: [ -> ]Firestar probably reverted Panik's hotmail, and used the password reset thing for SF. Happened to me, and since my hotmail was almost used for every account I signed up was pretty bad.

He was taken care of ;)
(11-28-2009, 10:01 PM)[H]atsune[M]iku Wrote: [ -> ]Firestar probably reverted Panik's hotmail, and used the password reset thing for SF. Happened to me, and since my hotmail was almost used for every account I signed up was pretty bad.

yea lol that happened to me, but all i had on my hotmail account was my youtube and HF(oops). both are on gmail now and if my hotmail gets hacked again all they can get is my contact list lol.
Wow. That kid is a shithead. Well, I didn't get phished, or anything like that. I'm not an idiot. But yeah. I guess I'm done here now. Peace.
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