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Full Version: - only one can be the forum king
You're currently viewing a stripped down version of our content. View the full version with proper formatting. is a brand new general discussion forum that sports a beautiful custom theme and a custom promotion plugin made only for forum-king. This plugin is an auto promotion system that will promote and demote users automatically based on their overall contribution to the forum. This contribution is made up of each user's post count, reputation, and number of referrals. The requirements to be promoted to a higher level is constantly changing as the forum grows so you'll have to continue to contribute if you want to be ranked highly.
I like the plug in, I may join this, thanks!
The plug in is really nice, I might give this a go.
The font and size of it is too much for me. Also, why display a users avatar on the home page simply because they were the last post? It makes the site look really busy and distracts the eyes from where you want them looking, especially for first time visitors.