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Hey fellow users just wanna share this article that i read, what do you think of this?

Outsourcing: Trust is the Key Business

The outsourcing process can result in cost savings, but the ultimate goal can not be only that. There are other advantages that should be pursued.

Regardless of industry or activity that is outsourced, this process always has some advantages for the contractor, as the relaxation of the strategic actions and territorial expansion, since your partner can assist you with the same capillary at its disposal. It also provides the use of best management practices and processes and contribute to organizational control, as metrics are worked during the partnership. Of course, the outsourcing process can result in cost savings, but the ultimate goal can not be only that. There are other advantages that should be pursued.
For small and medium entrepreneurs, it is advantageous to keep third-party partners, able to aggregate the best management practices for the company. Their processes are more controllable, avoiding thus operacionais.Normalmente tax contingencies and the small and medium entrepreneur does not have knowledge to drive some processes that require more technical knowledge especializado.Somente this aspect alone brings advantage to the seeker hire companies that specialize in a particular activity. On the other hand, the entrepreneur, having a partner making the management of some processes, you can dedicate to the core activities, which can bring growth to your business immediately.

Every process outsourcing, regardless of what activity, algunspassos need to follow to succeed. You need first to define exactly whether to outsource dequais processes, which the obligations of each party, which the metrics that will be applied, what is the minimum level of service that seexige partner and, especially, as will the process of relationship between parts. These details are of paramount importance to ensure the perpetuity of the partnership.

After the definitions, there is a need to agree the process of transition, when the partner shall take cognizance of the current processes and work flow of information and documents. Only after being trained to partner with the process, effectively outsourcing begins. Important to note that the above definitions should be regularly monitored, to avoid communication problems and dissatisfaction of both parties.
As the purchase of any product or service should be taken some other care. It is important that the contractor consider the financial health and economic partner, the specialization of its professionals and the company's experience in working in activities that are being outsourced. Another important aspect is to make sure the contractor meets all labor obligations. Search marketing information on the quality of the service partner is also essential.


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