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(11-04-2009, 03:15 PM)Extasey Wrote: [ -> ]I don't really know what that is, But I would like to do it in VB as I need to jump back on the horse. I have stopped coding for so long and now I've started to forget things (such as how to make a cmdExit button).

What do you mean by a cmdExit button?
A commandbutton that exits the program.

Private cmdExit_click ()
End Sub
exactly. doing it like that would be simple, just not very visual
you cant do it in batch
you can do it but it will be a cmd window

@echo off
title Shutdown
@mode con cols=35 lines=5
color 1f
echo Shutdown? (Y/N)
set /p option="> "
if /i %option%==y shutdown -s
if /i %option%==n exit
goto a
I wanted to this with javascript/active X
(11-04-2009, 01:25 PM)Climate Wrote: [ -> ]If Im not wrong then this could be easily done in Autoit.

Yes it is.
You just have to download Autoit for free and read some tutorials ;) And BAM! Magic is done! haha Big Grin
Meh, i'm over it now. Thanks for your continued support, but i'm not fiddling with custom shells anymore. The program I made was pretty asthetically pleasing and suited the theme of my computer pretty well, but the shell was too unstable for me to continue using. Windows 7 looks good enough anyway...
You can shutdown in batch but i'm not sure about making a popup, although it can be achieved in python.
I had a batch file which can shutdown computer but i've recently lost it,if i find it again,i'll share it with you mate.
You can do an OK with msg *
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