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Full Version: My cats - Only 6 months old :D
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Here are some pictures of my kittens which are really just small cats now as they're coming up to 6 months old I believe. They're bother identical and ginger. The only way we can tell the difference is by their collar color. They're names are Freddy & Frankie. They're nice, playful and their both brothers Smile Lovely cats really couldn't ask for better. My 2 year old sister pulls them around and they don't bite and never have Smile

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I Seen these cats on another forum that Omni Made.

They are so cute man Tongue
Pretty cute, I had a cat named mittens, no joke. Personally I like dogs over cats simply because mostly a cat will just sit around and sleep. You can't really have much fun with them because they will either bite you or just run away, just my 2 cents but these in general look pretty friendly.
You made my day.
Those are pretty cute kitties you've got there.
Those kittens are really cute. I wish I could have a cat or a dog. Although, my family can't afford one right now.
I have picture of that cat..I love them.Is this real yours?
I love Cats Big Grin.

All of them look great.