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Full Version: [GUI PowerShell] Get_UserACC - Get All User Accounts Info from WMI (Advanced Script)
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I couldn't find anywhere else for this, so it's being posted here:

Here's my new Powershell GUI script demo.

Probably one of the most advanced script's i've created yet. What this does is gets an array returned from the WMI object in Windows for all UserAccounts, and splits those object items into arrays for a very detailed view in a GUI form rtb control. Other features for exporting that data and events on form load and form close involving message box views and notification tooltips down in the bottom right of your screen.


[Image: icfy4PaiUGmdv.png]

More Info and Script available here:
Nice man! You doing awesome job here too! Smile
You're banned now, but i'll thank you for that anyway Smile
This seems like a very advanced and really cool script, real good work you must of did on this AceInfinity. I'll hop on techreboot and learn more about these scripts but as it stand now this looks like it can help many people in the future.
Someone had a virus on their computer that added a whole bunch of unnecessary user accounts. So I created a script for him to loop through and remove all user accounts that were not his current username, the admin, or guest accounts, along with any extra username's he defined inside a variable in my script, separated by a comma. This script is derived from that script I made for the guy, and I turned it into a GUI visual as well.