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I would be happy with a dog Smile
I wish to keep a cat as a pet as it’s a loving,, graceful and friendly animal.

A flock of 18 year old girls.


A couple of 18 year old girls Smile
Or another ferret if girls were unobtainable.
Personally if i could have any animal within proportion of my surroundings etc it would be a monkey just cause i would try to teach it diffrent skills that has never been done before and make in the most epic monkey on the earth HaHa. However i think it actually is possible to have a pet monkey but there is a huge cost to purchasing a license to have the animal in your house something around 5000$ or more for sure which is a bit off putting Roflmao.
If I would have another pet, I would choose a dog. I had a hamster in the past, but sadly I had to "put it to sleep" because of his eye infection; it was a sad day.
Unrealistically: I would love to own a dolphin.

Realistically: They go crazy being confined and I would not have anywhere to put it.
Id have something awesome, I.E. lion.
Lol, I am pretty happy with my dogs and horses but I guess a baby elephant would be awesome.
I actually won a baby camel once, my nan made me swap for the second prize lol.
If we could have any pet, we'd have a Panda or a Penguin. But realistically we'd be happy with a Weimaraner (dog).
I would want a Tiger, I would like to see someone mess with me if i had a pet tiger.

A Chameleon, I just think they look coolSmile

[Image: veiled-chameleon-01-female.jpg]
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