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Full Version: Answer one of my questions & send me your Unique PPD link
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Post your link here and if someone else hasn't posted a link from the same PPD, I'll take the survey/task. I'll do my best to complete it, hoping that it doesn't send me down a never ending spiraling list of offers. I also will not complete an offer where I'm forced to pay or give credit card information.

I've already taken a survey/task from FileIce.

Now for my question.
Is there a PPD (pay per download) service that doesn't require a survey but pays more than
Is there another pay per post forum like You literally get paid to post. (Which i find... well i lack faith)
What PPD's allow Adult Content??

Thanks in advanced.
I promise I'll do the surveys, infact I'll put my name on it (keysle sorm)
And you can spam me and troll me for all eternity if I don't complete it.
I'm studying which service is the best for my consumers