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I live in Toronto, Which ISP do you guys recommend.

Mine is 10mb/s download and 80gb download cab
Choosing an ISP provider would be based on your needs. By the looks of things, you have a good ISP.
that sucsk your ISP even has a cap... I'd find one without one unless you hardly download.
As sane said, you'd have to research it yourself to find the one that fits your budget and your needs. Plus, there are tons of ISP's in Toronto =P
Sounds like you have a really good ISP.
I use Comcast and I have a 10 UP and a 20-30 Download and I do gaming and have 2 laptops and my connection works out fine.
Comcast is good from what I hear.
Comcast is good, I Use roadrunner, but they do alot of updates, so if you stay up at night and play, you might get disconnected from time to time.
I have Comcast internet service.
I pay $25,
For me Download speed-20.047mbps Upload speed-6.043mbps I checked my internet speed using What do you think about my internet speed?