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I use sony vegas & after effects mostly for editing videos.
i think Ulead vedio studio12 is the most favorite video editing program.
if you use some plugin for this program then you will get the main facility from this.

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I use windows movie maker to make my youtube videos for the songs I uplaod to my blog and Camtasia to tutorials Smile
For school projects and things like that, I use cyberlink power director. I find sony vegas too difficult to understand.
Camtasia Studio 7 and Sony Vegas 10 in my opinion are the best.
Well i know only about Windows Movie Maker and surely try others.
My favorite video editing software is Camtasia
I use sony vegas pro it's great for some touches in the video
I use Sony Vegas Pro 10. I might need some tips on ho to use it, it looks awfully complicated + ugly.
Sony Vegas pro 9.0 <333

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