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I don't use facebook at all I have it but never go on. my GF is addicted to it shes on it alot.
It causes alot of trouble. Jeremy Kyle in the UK is always having a go at people for using it. I also know of alot of hacks that come because of it!
Or just start over and don't invite everyone blindly ;)
I have my email on my facebook and never get spam unless my google email blocks them all for me.
I see not many reasons to close a fb account unless you are tired of having random people you barely talk to only on your account and do not feel like telling them your daily life. That is the weirdest part about it. That is why on my facebook I only have like 80 friends and everyone prolly thinks I have no friends but I would rather do that then have like 1000+ like some people and not know 80% of them.
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