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The game is simple, just post out of all the games that you've played, which one is you favourite. You can make it more interested by posting what console it's on too. For instance:

My favourite game would be Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, when I first played it, it was on the PS2. I had so much fun with that game it was unbelievable. I could still have fun with it now, I'll be getting it again on PC once I get my PC controller fixed up and working again. Smile

Now, it's your guys' turn.
I do like Halo 2, but my favorite game would have to be Halo 3.
I started playing it in 2008. Smile
Halo 2 All day, I spent so many nerdy hours in it. I loved every minute of it.
You should use the search bar next time you want to start a thread, already one like this.
(07-25-2011, 09:49 AM)Patrick Wrote: [ -> ]You should use the search bar next time you want to start a thread, already one like this.

That user used about 5 words in his post, I made mine much more HQ.
Halo 3 by far. That is the only game I own, aside from Reach (but that was a mistake).
halo 2 you cant beat it but why is GOW not up there Sad
(07-25-2011, 03:17 PM)Arron XR Wrote: [ -> ]halo 2 you cant beat it but why is GOW not up there Sad

I'll add it for you now. <3 ♥
GTA San Andreas is my ALL TIME favorite game, but I mostly play MW2 for the 360 now adays.
None of those games are anywhere NEAR being my favorite game. But of the ones listed, I'd have to go with the GTA series.
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