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Ive spent soooooo many time on border lands,

Over 30 days.
I usually spend most of my time playing Garry's Mod , with all the gamemodes it has , its pretty addictive.
I spent 1500+ hours on Killzone2, and 500+ hours on Killzone3, then I left this game when I was #6 worldwide!
Hmm.. I think it is Fifa 11 on PS3 Tongue.
We have a PS3 and Fifa at school, and we allways play it in the playtime
CoD, and Crash Bandcoot or w.e.
I can't tell between which one, but the cod series.
Yeah, the same for me. MW2, I play a lot daily. I have also spent a lot of time playing San Andreas Multiplayer(SA:MP). Smile
Kane&LynchBig Grineadmen, have played the game consistently since it came out in late 2007.
Guitar Hero WoR. Over 800 hours.
I have about 17 days on MW2 multiplayer
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