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Full Version: ★ Skyset's Graphic Shop ★ | Free & Paid |
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[Image: TetgraphicshoiBT.png]


[Image: QmfintrogHw.png]

I'm Skyset and I have been on Hack Forums for a little more than a month now.
I was a Graphic designer and a Web designer before I started my journey here
and I've been doing both paid and free graphic services since I joined.

Instead of roaming around in different threads, I thought, why not open a shop.
Here I will be taking free and paid services depending on your request and status
within the community. The more trusted you are, the better it gets.

[Image: Ad9requirecmF.png]

- You must not have any active warnings.
- You must not have any scam reports.
- You must have over 100 posts for a free request.

[Image: WgKtypespWk.png]

I can do pretty much everything. I'm very flexible, but here's some examples of what you can request:

- Logos
- Banners
- Renders
- Userbars
- Avatars
- GUI's
- Signatures

.. and much more!

I will take logos, banners and GUI's as paid work, unless you come with a good reward.
Most signatures and avatars will be free.

[Image: Cwuportfolio6V7.png]

Here's a little showcase of what I have done before. You can also look through the thread for work I've done to others.
You can also take the graphics in this thread as reference (the title graphics and the logo). I'm quite happy with them! Smile




[Image: 3LkrequestlhP.png]

Please fill in this form to request a graphic (delete '(Write here)' and replace it with your answer):

[b][color=#98FB98]Type of design:[/color][/b] (Write here)
[b][color=#98FB98]Size (In pixels):[/color][/b] (Write here)
[b][color=#98FB98]Materials (Renders, stocks etc.):[/color][/b] (Write here)
[b][color=#98FB98]Text:[/color][/b] (Write here)
[b][color=#98FB98]Are you willing to pay if necessary?:[/color][/b] (Write here)
[b][color=#98FB98]Other:[/color][/b] (Write here)

[Image: ILZcontactE2A.png]

Send me a PM! (Don't nag me about when your graphic is done)






If you want to support my GFX services, please Donate. Thank you very much.

To Admins: If this should be in the graphics section please move it there.
Will definitely use you when i hit 100 posts.
Just curious to see what you can do Smile

Type of design: Avatar
Size (In pixels): 120x120
Materials (Renders, stocks etc.): Some nice abstract work, or a hot brunette or blond chick. Else just make it look sophisticated in some way.
Text: Ace
Are you willing to pay if necessary?: If necessary, but there is free work here too isn't there?
Other: Looking for a nice new avatar, and i've been too lazy and/or busy lately to make one myself

Negative warnings can't be given out on SupportForums though, just so you know, so I don't think anyone should have an issue with that requirement.
Type of design: Avatar
Size (In pixels): 120x120
Materials (Renders, stocks etc.): Dark blue eye
Text: N/A
Are you willing to pay if necessary?: Yes, but I don't have much Sad
Other: Power symbol inside the eye
(07-19-2011, 07:53 PM)Ace Wrote: [ -> ]Just curious to see what you can do Smile

Type of design: Avatar
Size (In pixels): 120x120
Materials (Renders, stocks etc.): Some nice abstract work, or a hot brunette or blond chick. Else just make it look sophisticated in some way.
Text: Ace
Are you willing to pay if necessary?: If necessary, but there is free work here too isn't there?
Other: Looking for a nice new avatar, and i've been too lazy and/or busy lately to make one myself

Negative warnings can't be given out on SupportForums though, just so you know, so I don't think anyone should have an issue with that requirement.

Yeah I do both free and paid works. Avatars/sigs are usually free but if you want to pay for it, I'd be glad, else it's okay anyway. It's mostly banners and logos I wish to get paid for.

[Image: yg2acerD6.png]
(07-19-2011, 09:52 PM)Veryx Wrote: [ -> ]Type of design: Avatar
Size (In pixels): 120x120
Materials (Renders, stocks etc.): Dark blue eye
Text: N/A
Are you willing to pay if necessary?: Yes, but I don't have much Sad
Other: Power symbol inside the eye

[Image: Li6sfveryxavauXc.png]
Wow that is amazing! Thank you! I get paid in 2 weeks Smile I will buy a signature then, and possibly a logo for a hobby my friend and I are thinking of Smile
(07-20-2011, 12:17 PM)Veryx Wrote: [ -> ]Wow that is amazing! Thank you! I get paid in 2 weeks Smile I will buy a signature then, and possibly a logo for a hobby my friend and I are thinking of Smile

Sounds good! Smile

- Skyset
(07-20-2011, 04:58 AM)Skyset Wrote: [ -> ]Yeah I do both free and paid works. Avatars/sigs are usually free but if you want to pay for it, I'd be glad, else it's okay anyway. It's mostly banners and logos I wish to get paid for.

[Image: yg2acerD6.png]

The background looks a little pinkish which doesn't tie too well with the blue, but other than that, it's not bad Smile I usually do logos and stuff like that, not much of a signature or avatar guy, so I don't do a lot of that kind of work

I noticed that eye you created for Veryx. That one looks really good Smile
I really love your work!
Seems like you take your time to perfect every aspect of it.
At this time I do not really need anything done because I am not sure what avatar I would even want but feel like I could really use a new one.

So just stopping by to say your awesome I guess! Keep up the good work!
(07-24-2011, 10:18 AM)Launcher Wrote: [ -> ]I really love your work!
Seems like you take your time to perfect every aspect of it.
At this time I do not really need anything done because I am not sure what avatar I would even want but feel like I could really use a new one.

So just stopping by to say your awesome I guess! Keep up the good work!

Thank you very much for the compliment Smile
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