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I don't really notice soundtracks in video games however I can tell you I notice them in movies. Probably my favorite would be He's a Pirate from Pirates of the Carribean.
Yes,I have hundreds of movies soundtracks in my iPod as well,but this thread is dedicated for games soundtracks only.I will make a different thread for movies soundtracks soon.
These are just a few soundtracks that caught my attention in video games Smile




My favorite song from a video game would have to be from Kingdom Hearts its like the main theme song. Can't exactly remember the name of the song but I know its from some Japanese women and kind of catchy.
I guess when I played the game it just set the mood right too. =]
Yes some soundtracks are great from some games such as Final Fantasy but I don't really love those songs.
no, not really. it gets annoying
The only music I really enjoy from games is Final Fantasy.
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