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there so cute man, awhh.
(07-10-2011, 11:58 AM)SeaBanana Wrote: [ -> ]Your two pugs are very precious, are you planning to get a third?

Oh god not even considering it lol, the 2 now are just crazy. They are still both in the puppy stage so there wild little dogs.
nice pugs i took care of one for my cousin once they're great dogs Smile
They're very cute, I've always loved pugs. I've been looking for a new type of dog possibly, do you have any info on this breed?
Their different? They look exactly the same!
Cute tho Smile
(07-03-2011, 05:04 AM)Sexy Beast Wrote: [ -> ]Are their Eyes supposed to be like that? i think they're cute and all but when their eyes are facing opposite directions it kind of creeps me out O_O

This. They're cute but IMO if I were to choose I'd choose golden labradors.
They are really cute. Are they potty trained?
It looks so awesome I wish I could get a pug or any pet for that mark.
Aha, these remind of the dogs in Men in Black.
Men and black, that was very random I might add Smile
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