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Unfortunately, there isn't much you can do at your age, life only gets harder growing up and if problems at home are really affecting you, maybe you should consider moving away too a friends house or another immediate family member.

I'm really sorry your life is like that, the main thing is that they ain't beating you and it just seems there hit being really strict.
Once you hit 18 start making decisions bro.

Your life experience is pretty similar to mine mate.
Money wise I'd recommend opening a bank account or storing your cash somewhere safe to avoid 'borrowing' from family members, my sister is a renound family thief so we all have to do this in my house.

I'm sorry to hear about this, but my best advice would be try and take your mind away from things. Join your local gym (even if you don't want to get ripped, it's still exercise which will take your mind off things), also as a Guest said - stay in your room with your computer, iPod or phone as long as you can when you're at home, just to keep out of things.

Well that's my advice, hope you've had a read and maybe it's helped you in some way.
I read most of this and i noticed a few things, it seems like your dad can be sort of a jerk, but are you nice to him too? You can't just be a jerk and expect people to be nice back to you, like when you told your mom " It's a woman's job" that's not something a person who deserves to be treated with respect would say to another person. I believe your family could be nicer to you, but you could also be nicer to them. Respect is a mutual thing.
Remorse is right and so are the others. Try to keep your mind off by listening to music and stuff. And when they ask you to do something, don't say no or anything. Just do it and stay silent. That won't give them a chance to be rude to you. Also try to do the job they give you perfectly as well as try to help them when they don't ask. And by help, I mean ask them if they want help first. Don't go directly or they'll get a chance to be rude when you make a mistake or something. By showing goodness, you can get some back. Hang in there. You'll make it.
(06-30-2011, 01:41 AM)Guest Wrote: [ -> ]Well, i went trhough this once, Just, freakin LOck your door with your computer and a power cord and dont come out for 5 days, Come out at night to get food and thats all. It will work...

Haha, are recluses cool? No one really knows. I don't know if that is the best idea. One of the easiest and most reactive but unlikely effective.
(07-03-2011, 03:18 PM)Annuit Coeptis Wrote: [ -> ]Haha, are recluses cool? No one really knows. I don't know if that is the best idea. One of the easiest and most reactive but unlikely effective.

Your right, it won't work
Im a parent and i don't treat my child like that although she is only 11 months lol but anyway, i grew up almost the same way before i went to jail,and i always did what my mom wanted and i was older but my younger sister was bad to my mom but she will always get what she wants, what you need to understand is that a parent is gonna worry about the bad child more and its gonna seem like they like them better because i felt that way. until you have your own child and notice how things are really like you will look back and see why things are happening.

The best of luck to you and keep your head high and dont let anyone tell you other wise.

ps. regardless of how ever you feel your parents want the best for you. and if in the future you are successful you will thank them for how they are with you, also your a man. hard work is in your nature dont complain about just do it
Don't get pissed at him, when he is yelling at you just be hella calm. Don't show fear or get angry, apparently he gets off on that.
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