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Ke$ha definitely. Also all of the new American rappers like Lil Wayne.

Tupac/Michael Jackson/Biggie Smalls = My favorites.
I don't like Soulja boy. Ew.
My more hated band would have to be GWAR...

I just hate his voice...
RukkaRukkaAli, Dumb racist with no singing or song writing skill.
I love The Smiths & Depeche Mode.
Lil Wayne, Waka flocka, Gucci mane, Soulja boy, Drake, Nicki Minaj, everybody else in Young Shitty. Katy Perry, that freakin New Boyz song about the backseat is garbage, uhhhh... nobody else really comes to mind.

I like Lady Gaga's songs, some of Rhianna's are annoying but they aren't that bad. That S&M song is awful though
(06-03-2011, 02:46 AM)BlackChaos Wrote: [ -> ]Rebecca Black. Hate her voice, hate her song, hate her. Period.

i will have to go with this and listen to a lot of rap and underground crap like battle rappers and stuff like that
Didn't wanna go with the obvious choices and what most others said but I'm afraid I have too: Bieber, Rececca Black and Kesha are my equally most hated musicians right now, it's a sad era for music :\
Rebecca Black. end of.
I really just hate all the new rap. Its not that same edgy, hard life/hard times passion anymore. Its all electronic synthesized. Hearing it on the radio just gets me so angry.
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