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If you’re shy, you will NOT get girls. - Repeat that until you believe it.

Despite whatever television shows and movies you’ve seen, the shy protagonist doesn’t miraculously get the babe in real life. This is a bullshit fantasy and accepting that one day…that one motherfucking day you’ll get the girl of your dreams, despite living a mediocre life is a lie.

The truth: Being shy is unattractive.
So, just read the tips below. Sure they will help you...

10 Tips to Overcome Shyness & Become Attractive around Women

Do NOT give a damn what anyone thinks about you-
When you give a damn, you’re reacting to others, seeking approval. You teeter on eggshells, feeling uncomfortable, intimidated, insecure and confused about what to say/do. Be your own person, live your own life. Do what you want, and others do what they can about it.
As an exercise, chant this yourself right now- “I do NOT give a damn…what anyone thinks about me”. Do this as much as you’d like, til you feel a physiological sensation and your voice sparkles a 100% belief that you honestly do not give a damn what ANYONE thinks about you…

You do not need anyone else to make you feel good about yourself-
If you’re looking for someone elses’ validation (especially a girls’)- you’re being a bitch. And you will never be attractive; no girl will ever have sex with a guy she feels sorry for. As a man, acknowledge that there is nothing someone can give you that you can’t get for yourself.

You, and ONLY You, can control how you feel about yourself-
Be cognizant how you FEEL in relation to the world around you, not self-conscious. Don’t take yourself or the world too seriously; find humor in everyday life, draw inspiration, cultivate a love for being. Check out Eckhart Tolle’s ‘The Power of Now’ for an understanding of ego and the role it plays in constructing the beliefs about ourselves in relation to the world.

Give yourself permission to be the man you want to become-
List the traits of the ‘ideal’ man. Understand those traits and shift your behavior towards becoming THAT person. The blueprint is now there to follow. Think to yourself: How would my ideal self react to a situation? Give yourself permission to be THAT person!

You’re either confident or you’re a bitch-
You cannot be ‘almost confident’ or 99% confident. Confidence, as I understand it, is purely the absence of fear. Nothing is holding you back; no mental obstacles between you and what you want. Notice how a five year old can be just as confident as a CEO; just because they don’t have a care in the world and no mental obstacle holding them back.

Stop masturbating!
Check out my earlier post on understanding how masturbation destroys a force that is insanely attractive to women. (link is not working anymore. I'm sure you can do some google search).

Visualize yourself as a freakin boom-box exploding the awesomeness. Speak LOUDER by pushing the air from your stomach outwards, not the air from your throat. Remember too, everything you say is important; it is important because it’s coming from you.

Be the Music-
Sad people listen to sad music. Have you ever heard a rap song where the rapper felt bad about himself? NO. In rap music, to illustrate an example, the MCs are having a fun time just being themselves, being the party, and living the life they want to live. Besides being awesome, rap music reinforces the mindsets of men that do not give a fudge what others think and aren’t shy to express themselves. Now, check out R. Kelly’s song, “I’ma Flirt” to dial and inspire the pimp inside you: R. Kelly “Im’a Flirt”

Join Toastmasters-
I cannot vouch enough how helpful this was for my own development. By joining Toastmasters, you are forced to speak to a public audience and you will receive honest, encouraging feedback towards sounding/appearing more confident. Click here to find a club near you…

Take action-
Join a GYM, develop good posture; the mind will follow the body. Get involved. Be proactive. Be a man and take charge. WHAT DO YOU WANT?

.LadyKiller Wrote:If I was to add anything to this list I would say the most important rule to follow is to keep challenging your fears consistently. Going out once every few weeks to talk to people will not have as good results as doing little things every day, you are not trying to change yourself, rather you are attempting to create a new belief system and thus identity for yourself.

Everyone has unlimited social potential to be who they want to be and behave how they want to. Only by being proactive do you start acting 'like a man', instead of allowing people to dictate how you should behave.


The richer your life is, the better you should feel about yourself.

You + Taking Action= Your Best Self.

Additional and IMPORTANT tip to remember:

Girls love sex.
This is not an instant tip. To realize this as the TRUTH, you must go out and approach women. That’s it. Referencing and internalizing the ten tips above will allow you to feature your most attractive and confident self when you do approach women. For a woman, a highly confident man (regardless of looks, money, status) is the equivalent of a Sports Illustrated swimsuit model for men.

Simply, Confidence = Attractive

This is a good set of tips you have put up here. I'm sure it will help all those who are shy when it comes to girls, etc.
Wow, this is wonderful. I love the Don't give a fudge what others think about you one.
I will quote that one if you don't mind! Smile
@6 DUDE I`M 14. I can't stop naow?
Hmm so I learned a lot of things today, make a ton of money, get a sports car and go drive to the nearest populated car and honk the car as loud as I can, either drive away to prove how awesome I am or pick a girl up.
I must say that this tips does help a lot of people who are shy great post mate Smile
Bring this back up... I'm sure this will help more shy people!
I have to agree with what Timo said, it all looks pretty effective and do-able but number 6 is impossible Sad
Great tips, this we'll come in handy.
I knew masturbating made me less funny with the ladies. I am going to stop for two months -- see how that flies!
(but ima get the biggest boners and the randomest times -- uncontrollable hormones here xD)
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