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Sorry to hear about the loss of your hamster Sad. My cat ate mine when I was little.
It is life man. Things come and go. Can't let it keep you down.
I'm so sorry for your loss. I know how it feels,I had a hamster a few years ago and I remember when he died I was very sad. Nobody really understands.Even one of my best friends said "It's just a hamster!" But hamsters are awesome!
Damn, poor pet. I really hope that you would be happier though. My condolences.
Well, just because your pet died doesn't mean that you should give up on pets forever, and it's not necessarily your fault. Just make sure if you get another one to pay attention and take it to the vet if he gets slow as you said.
oh my god Sad. i have also had a Hamster and i know how it feels.. its freakin sad Sad
Sorry to hear that, at least he won't struggle with his pain anymore.
I am sorry to hear about your loss.
I never had a hampster, or anything besides a dog. Sorry for your loss - they are all just as equal!
Sad hear that happen, best of luck on your next pet Sad
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