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Full Version: Emotional support
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New subforum, lets hope members will respect each other and not insult/harass people who open up to an online community and share their misfortunes with us.

I agree and I think they will. There will certainly be less tolerance here for intolerance. Smile
Sounds like a great forum. Hopefully, people will make full use of it.
They will eventually make use of it, we all have to deal with these issues eventually. Big Grin
Hmm.. lets see how this goes.
Unfortunately, people are still disagreeing without objectively seeing the benefits of this section. We should expect a few trolls, but then again, a person who cannot respect even a small part of this forum, cannot be allowed to stay in this forum for long IMO.
(10-19-2009, 06:20 AM)S0rath 0f the Black Sun Wrote: [ -> ]Unfortunately, people are still disagreeing without objectively seeing the benefits of this section. We should expect a few trolls, but then again, a person who cannot respect even a small part of this forum, cannot be allowed to stay in this forum for long IMO.

Good point.
Glad to see that this subforum was created. I think it'll turn into a great and useful resource.
Wow i hope this doesn't take away everyone i know that comes to me?
I think this section will be implemented appropriately. If 'trolls' abuse the forum, they should be immediately prosecuted and forbidden to return.