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This tutorial will teach you how to create a car smash effect as shown below:

[Image: preview.gif]

It's a cool effect which you can do so much with!

Firstly you can download this car object here:
(Made by

Alternativly, you can use any preset objects such as a Cube or Sphere.

If you choose to use the car, open the .obj file into Cinema 4D.
Select all layers in the objects manager, go to Objects > Connect & Delete.
You can delete all of the materials, and you're all set.

So now that you have your object ready & editable, go to MoGraph > Random Effector.
Drag your Random Effector on top of your Car layer in the Objects Manager like so:

[Image: 1ata.png]

The only changes you need to make are the following:

[Image: 2gyg.png][Image: 3khk.png]

And thats pretty much everything.. All you need to do now is animate it.

Set up your Random Effector like so, and then press the keyframe button:

[Image: 4dnd.png]

Drag your green marquee to 60 on the Timeline, and change the amount of frames to 60FP.
Move your Random Effector straight through the car & press the keyframe button again, so that it is now positioned like so:

[Image: 5ooo.png]

Now, when you press play, you will see the magic happen!

To make it look a little nicer, simply add a floor, and some lighting!

How quick and easy is that?
That's sweet, I'll probably end up messing around with Cinema 4D when I get a chance because of your new tutorials. Nice job.
No probs mate, glad you like it.
With all your tutorials I think I might download and take a look at this program, Cinema 4D. You could make some sweet effects with it.
This is one of the most sophisticated effects I've seen in like the past week while browsing this forum. What amazed me, was the fact all those shiny things were so cool Big Grin
Great tut I'm learning something like this in school
ARGG I keep trying to do this but i keep messing up on one part.
(04-15-2011, 01:30 PM)Leafs Wrote: [ -> ]ARGG I keep trying to do this but i keep messing up on one part.

Which part?
Thanks for sharing, really helpful tutorial, I love it so much, will post my outcome soon. Smile
Thanks mate.. It really looks awesome. Might but it in use Tongue
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