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Well here's a good idea OP, you should make new normal and mature friends.
I used to have the same problem. I wouldn't be online all the time if I wasn't lonely with my IRL friends. I mean I only have one friend who is a great friend, but it's hard for me to relate to people.
You don't have to hang out with the "same" group of kids y'know. Yeah you've known them the longest, but if you don't have nothing in common, then I'd suggest you widen your search in friends. I'm not saying you're "desperate"; however I am saying that you should meet different types of people and get to know them instead of your current ones. They can still be your friends, but it's always good to become friends with new strangers.

Join the computer club; join the music club. If there isn't one, then start it. If you join a club on your specific hobby, then you're bound to find more friends that articulate in your interests. You can even spread some knowledge of computers in the computer club, and maybe people will even look up to you as a role model.

Don't stay with your old friends all the time, but what I'm saying is to meet new people. You can always meet new people, but just don't forget about your old friends, because you wouldn't be friends anymore if you all forgot about each other. If you still wish to talk to them, then go ahead and do what the hell you want. Making a lot of new friends and communicating with them on your interests; now that is another thing.
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