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about a year ago we had two twin cats that weve raised since kitten one went missing and never came back they have gottten out many times and always came back but this time one of them didnt come back and sadyl to this day we still havnt heard of anything on what happeneed that night
I have never lost a pet, i hope i never do.

It was bad enough when my guinea pig died.
It gives me hope when you hear those stories of dogs found and returned after several years. Halley is chipped and I keep paying the subscription to make sure all info is current. I have no doubt that someone has her. It's sad that some people can be so ignorant and keep a dog they have found and make no attempt to return him/her and justify it by telling themselves that "the owner must not love 'em if they just let it loose" Can you tell I have a smidgen of anger about it still?;) lol.
Cats go missing all the time. Most times they will come back.
I hope i never lose a pet, well i dont have any cats so i think i should be fine.
I've never had a pet go missing, fortunately. I can't imagine what it's like to not know where your beloved pet is.
I haven't but i cant imagine how it feels.. I hope he turns up!
yes recently i lost my cat...
Well for almost a week , I thought my Dog was lost but in reality it was Stolen by my neighbor and he attempted to sell it , but good to know that I had got it from him Smile.
I have never lost a pet and I am glad to have not had to go through the heartbreak, but to all the people that have I am sorry.
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