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I wouldn't say it is worth anything, in a way it could be a semi original gamertag, many people would argue with me about this topic and gamertag. I would pay maximum of five dollars for your, Mr Negative gamertag.
Not worth much since they started reseting the v1`s.`I do like the tag though mate.
Not worth anything, but I still like the tag very much.
It's not bad at all. It wouldn't be worth much for someone looking for real OG's. But it would be good for someone just looking for a good name.
I'll buy it for $10 Thank pm me
Not really worth anything.
But if there's dlc / good stuff on it.
It should be worth something
My gamertag is = KnOwN To HoST
haha I was given this account from someone maybe it was you I cant remember. I still have that tag. Whoever gave me it it was nice of them. Pretty funny name. I would be open to offers if someone really wanted it. PM me on SF or HackForums (User name is the same as support forums) I check hack forums every day though and normally respond to PM's daily. I cant believe someone made a thread on this though lol its pretty funny I own it.
I really like it. Cause i hate negative people. You could get 5-15 on it on HF. Depending on who wants it that badly. Its a nice, clean tag.

Good luck on sales with it, if i had money id buy it TBH.
My gamertag is Restricter
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