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Full Version: Who uses ShareCash/CPAlead?
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I use share cash only to make around 50 a month lol
ive made $24 on sharecash, not the best, havnt cashed out yet, but im confident they will pay Smile
I use ghostcpa I really reccomend it makes alot of money Big Grin
(03-26-2011, 10:44 AM)Laugh Wrote: [ -> ]I personally think they are the crappiest ways to make money online. I'd have a better chance convincing people to donate to me than to make money using those.

Seriously, what rational person would fill out an offer to download a file or view content? It yells scam, low quality, or crap.

So, post your experiences.

If you give something away for free that loads of people want, it's actually a really quick and easy way to earn money.
I am using sharecash and its ok. 3 month ago i set up 2 little youtube videos with sharecash link, i still get around $10 from them.
I do use sharecash, haven't used cpalead yet.
I used to use cpalead and sharecash.
I never used
I would rather find real work that use cpa or sharecash.Both sites sucks!
I'm only making $10 a month just enough for hosting till my sites start making money!
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