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I just wrote a script quickly (under 30 minutes) to generate a unique image from your IP Address. Later I hope to make a decoder and clean up the code.

PHP Code:

//tell the browser we are a png image
header("Content-type: image/png");
//Get Information
//$usrIP = "123.456.789.123";
$colourR[0] = 54$colourG[0] = 100$colourB[0] = 139;
$colourR[1] = 79$colourG[1] = 148$colourB[1] = 205;
$colourR[2] = 92$colourG[2] = 172$colourB[2] = 238;
$colourR[3] = 99$colourG[3] = 184$colourB[3] = 255;
$colourR[4] = 70$colourG[4] = 130$colourB[4] = 180;
$colourR[5] = 240$colourG[5] = 248$colourB[5] = 255;
$colourR[6] = 16$colourG[6] = 78$colourB[6] = 139;
$colourR[7] = 24$colourG[7] = 116$colourB[7] = 205;
$colourR[8] = 28$colourG[8] = 134$colourB[8] = 238;
$colourR[9] = 30$colourG[9] = 144$colourB[9] = 255;
//create GD Image or exit on error
$im = @imagecreate(180,15)
        or die(
"Cannot Initialise new GD image stream");
//set background colour to white
$background_colour imagecolorallocate($im255255255);
//Grab our watermark
$watermark imagecreatefrompng('wm.png');
$watermark_width imagesx($watermark);
$watermark_height imagesy($watermark);
//Sort Data - FIX THIS MESS
$ipBlock explode("."$usrIP4);
strlen($ipBlock[0])==2) {$ipBlock[0] = "0" $ipBlock[0];}
strlen($ipBlock[0])==1) {$ipBlock[0] = "00" $ipBlock[0];}
strlen($ipBlock[1])==2) {$ipBlock[1] = "0" $ipBlock[1];}
strlen($ipBlock[1])==1) {$ipBlock[1] = "00" $ipBlock[1];}
strlen($ipBlock[2])==2) {$ipBlock[2] = "0" $ipBlock[2];}
strlen($ipBlock[2])==1) {$ipBlock[2] = "00" $ipBlock[2];}
strlen($ipBlock[3])==2) {$ipBlock[3] = "0" $ipBlock[3];}
strlen($ipBlock[3])==1) {$ipBlock[3] = "00" $ipBlock[3];}
$fullIP $ipBlock[0] . $ipBlock[1] . $ipBlock[2] . $ipBlock[3];
//Draw our data on the image
for ($i 0$i <= 11$i++){
$curI substr($fullIP,$i,1);
//Add our Watermark
//create our PNG Image and send it to the browser
//Free up the memory used to make the image


Related file: wm.png (mirror)

Your IP Address encoded with this would look like:

[Image: ip.php]
w0w, that's awsome... the image looks great..
Thank you man!

But the wm.png image isn't there anymore. Sad
(10-17-2009, 02:20 AM)NinjaGeek Wrote: [ -> ]But the wm.png image isn't there anymore. Sad

Ah, yeah for some reason, its randomly appearing then dissapearing, so I added a mirror for it.
Proper and explicit, very nice script Smile
You could improve a bit the manner of how you get the IP :
PHP Code:
//Get Information
elseif (isset(

It makes it available for more situations Smile
Keep up the good work!
That's awesome, The colors are very nice, Keep up the good work dude. Smile
Doesn't appear to be working for me.
Nice, thanks for this.
Hmm..thanks, i will use this, well try Smile