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I set my age to 25 as security measures , but here I don't think that's needed as everyone is chill.
I'm not going to be the guy, who says I know how you feel.
Firstly, I'm very sorry for your loss.

I always even tho think, that if I might loose mine, I would think the same as you do right now. Well I lost my grandma, who was like a mom to me and I think like that about her.

Well, all I know is, that live goes on and somewhere in the heaven, she still looks at you. Just do good, visit her grave once in a while and talk to her. She will be proud of you.
I'm sorry to hear that Sin. I can't say I know how you feel overall, but I know how it feels to be empty when you lose someone. You seem to be very strong, and even though you can't afford a therapist you came here Smile we're like a therapist, but free! Just keep moving on, and live up to her expectations.

"The body may die, but the person lives on."

It means that even though they are not physically with you, your memories keep her with you.
fudge man, your making me cry. :'(
I know she is watching over me , she cared about me more than anything so I know she'll allways be there to guard me.
Sorry man. My grandmothers dog died the other day and he was like just like family to all of us :/
I am sorry for you, my grandpa did when i was just born 3 months..
I never saw him face, only got 1 photo of him when he was 11 years old.
Dear Sin,

I recently lost my Nan last year to a brain tumor, a type of cancer and it's been very hard I tell you. The best thing to do is cry, just sit down and remember the good times not the bad. Smile
No one can ever truly understand what losing someone feels like as it is different for every one of us. All we can do is hope the pain goes away and our resolve only strengthens.
If you ever feel alone, you know your mother is always with you. No one can take that away from you.

I admire your determination to continue with your life no matter the odds, and you must know that suicide is never the option. I wish you well for your future.
I'm sorry for your loss. You should know that you are the one carrying the family know, and she couldn't be more proud of you for that.

Hope everything gets better buddy.
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