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Definatly Pong lol

Game is too simple
Tetris and Pong, where you have to move the bar left and right to make sure that the ball doesn't get past that imaginary line on your side. You never said whether it had to be a computer game or another type of game, so i'd have to say "War (card game)" and twister. Twister can be a good party game if people are interested. Smile I'm sure I could think of others as well.

Edit: Pinball
(03-04-2011, 08:22 PM)Lunchbox Wrote: [ -> ]i love donkey kong just cuz i suck at it haha

Ahahah yea, that's a classic too.

Tetris and Pong for sure, they are probably the best game known to man. xD
Naked twister. Most fun and original game of all time.

I'm not trolling either...
I think even more original games included the naked fights in the Rome Colosseum. Way before twister was invented. Maybe throwing rocks was a game back then, or tag
astroid , pac man idk all the originals i did make my own game once there was just a bear that moved so i guess that lols
You cannot beat mario kart !!
Mario or Tetris, joust, rootbeer tapper, megaman. they are simple and classics.
Super Mario Bros.
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