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This guide will be split into 6 sections. Each section will explain how to use one of the NURBs tools in Cinema 4D.

A sweep NURBS is a tool that uses two objects, a spline, and an object spline (for example, a circle). The sweep NURBS combines both of the splines into a 3D object. One spline acts as the path, and the other as the shape which follows the path. For example, if a circle were to follow a straight line path, your result would be a cylinder.

Go to Objects > Create Spline > Freehand. Draw a simple, fairly straight line.
Go to Objects > Spline Primitive > Circle.
Go to Objects > NURBS > Sweep NURBS.
Drag your Circle & Spline on top of your Sweep NURBS in your Objects Manager.
(Make sure your Circle is above your Spline).
Resize the Circle to your liking using the Scale Tool.
You will now have the following:

Hyper NURBS is extremely helpful for creating organic shapes and will save you a lot of modeling time. It will double the amount of polygons on your shape, whilst smoothing the structure to give you a smooth edge.

Go to Objects > Primitive > Cube.
Go to Objects > NURBS > Hyper NURBS.
Drag your Cube on top of your Hyper NURBS in your Objects Manager.
You will now have the following:

The Lathe NURBS is useful for creating Cylindrical objects such as cups, plates & bowls. It will take a spline, and revolve it around a specified access. As it revolves, it will dictate the edges of the object, thus building up a solid 3D model.

Go to Objects > Create Spline > Freehand.
Go to View & select View 3.
The green line (Y) will be your guide. Draw a simple curve going along either the right, or left side of the green line.
Go to Objects > NURBS > Lathe NURBS.
Drag your Spline on top of your Lathe NURBS in the Objects Manager.
Go to View & select View 1.
You will now have the following:

This will basically morph two or more Object Splines placed inside of it together.

Go to Objects > Spline Primitive > Circle.
Go to Objects > Spline Primitive > Star.
Move the star slight away from the circle, but keeping them both aligned.
Go to Objects > NURBS > Loft NURBS.
Drag both of your Object Splines inside of your Loft NURBS in the Objects Manager.
You will now have the following:

Bezier NURBS
This tool is mainly used to create landscapes.

Go to Objects > NURBS > Bezier NURBS.
Change the "P" rotation to 90°.
Select your Bezier NURBS in your Objects Manager.
In the Attributes Manager, change Grid Points X & Y to 8.
Go to Selection > Live Selection.
Go to Tools > Points.
Now you can select the points on your Bezier NURBS.
(Selected points will be highlighted orange).
Now experiment with various Tools, changing each of your selected points.
You should having something similar to this:

Extrude NURBS
I only really use this for creating 3D text.

Go to Objects > Spline Primitive > Text.
Go to Objects > NURBS > Extrude NURBS.
Drag your Text into your Extrude NURBS in the Obejcts Manager.
Click on the Extrude NURBS layer, and in the Attributes Manager, edit the 3rd Movement property.
This will increase the extrude distance.
You will now have the following:
Great thread, very useful. I am new to GFX but I learn fast.