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Well, i'm starting a new forum and thought i'd make a banner for it. Remember, it's not finished! Too much neg space, what do you think so far?
[Image: kryptikbannercopy.png]
It's alright but you can barely see the pulse, and syringe part.
The smudging is a bit random though. Tongue
The t and the i (I think?) looks a bit smudged together. Try putting some space?

Very impressive though.
it is ok but yeah, the letters could be better
It does look good, I can't wait to see the final outcome as currently the smudging looks too spastic.
Both circles have a flat part at the top, and the smudging is alright, but too random as Untouch has said. I usually have to start a debate with him since we do different styles of GFX which require a different approach, but I actually agree with him on this one for once lol Blackhat

The effect is nice, but the canvas is also too empty, and is a weird size and dimension.
Infinity, thanks. As i said it's WIP - nothing ready yet.
Blending between the smudge and your text and renders is pretty bad.
Fix that, also fill up more space.
It looks alright, but there's a little too much extra open space in my opinion =\