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Full Version: Sony X8 or X10 Mini?
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Well I'm deciding between these two awesome android phones, they both don't have a qwerty keyboard so its fine. I really don't care about the build being it's a phone, now the theming community is alot stronger in the X10 mini but would those themes work on the X8? Anyone would care to explain your opinion on both these phones?
x10 mini!! x8 have qwerty keyboard, and its freakin annoying, and x10 mini is also faster!Smile
I would not bother my friend has one they are cheap and nasty.
I'd have to agree with Black Shadow on this one...
Get X10 instead of Mini. It's much better than Mini. But I don't recommend both as they're both cheap and nasty like Black Shadow said.
Yes there cheap and nasty...and kinda fat.