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Full Version: guide to self harm [cutting]
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Very good tutorial!
I can't say that I really like the idea of cutting yourself..
At first, I really thought about people who cut themselves like little attention-whores.
But after reading this and browsing through the comments, I'm actually growing to understand their way of thinking.
Very nice.
Wow, only Americans....
(01-09-2011, 03:22 AM)Ruyuk Wrote: [ -> ]Wow, only Americans....

Go back to HF with your low quality posts, bro.
You realise that you need at least 100 HQ posts to get the feather right?
This is SupportForums.. Please don't mistake it with
Very nice guide, well written. I hope this gets through to those who cut, it's sad to see people who do it, but it is an addiction to them, just like a drug.
This thread is very odd and i have never saw anything like this. 0-0
Thank you man, this is very interesting.
Wow, I don't see why people like inflicting harm on themselves... Anyway, well written tutorial but I do not support self harm.
Lol what kind of guide is this :S
I've joined just to reply this post. There are more effective ways of stopping cutting then going cold turkey on hurting yourself and discussing the subjective emotionally-influenced arguments against it. Instead of spilling your own blood, let others do it for your (ok that sounded weird). I meant you could donate blood at a local American Red Cross blood bank. It still accomplishes the same effects (your parents will think you're a crack head with the needle marks) and you can slowly ween yourself off the need to give blood while helping those who need blood.
Your first sentence in the introduction is completely false, if not, then inhumane. Cutting yourself is not a choice if you cannot cope, guides like these give people the idea that it's fine. It's frowned upon by a lot of people. I do not agree with this tutorial.
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