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Full Version: Happy New Year Support Forums!
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I would like to officially wish everyone on Support Forums a happy new year! Enjoy 2011 and today is the 1/1/11 Big Grin

Joined in 09 so it makes me look old Big Grin

~ Sam
Today is the 1/1/11 actually. Tongue

But you too.
Happy 2011, yet another year closer to 2012.
Anyways, good luck with your resolution , !
Happy New Year to you to, and all the best for 2011.
Happy 2011. I wish everyone a great start into this new year and I hope everyone had a great year.
15mins left in 1/1/11, lmfao.
We should set some goals for the year 2011.
(01-01-2011, 09:46 PM)Carbon Wrote: [ -> ]15mins left in 1/1/11, lmfao.

It's January 2nd, ;3
Happy new year to everyone, and whoever 1 starred this thread, you're an idiot.
Same to your sir...
Happy New Year!
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