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Full Version: Webcam Help?
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I recently procured a Creative VF-0040 webcam.
Whenever I try to use it with Skype it does not recognize it.
I tried to find a driver for it but have had no success.
Can someone help me?

BTW, I am running a 32bit version of Windows 7 Ultimate. Smile
Well you need a driver to run the webcam Smile
(01-07-2011, 07:26 PM)Google. Wrote: [ -> ]Download the driver:

Link is invalid.
(01-07-2011, 10:29 PM)Death Trap™ Wrote: [ -> ]Here:

Link is invalid.

Thank you for the correction. Smile
Original poster hasn't been active on this site since Dec. 30th, not a great strategy to get help if you post a request for it on a forum.