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Whenever I send a PM, the message does not show up in my Sent folder. I am sure I sent it. I sent it twice to be sure.
I never got it bud.
Mine seem's to be working just fine, Try logging in and out and send me a message.
Maybe it has something to do with your settings.
Well he got it. But I guess it fixed itself cause now it works.
It was because of a problem with the MyBB update.
It messed up a lot of sites.
On the bottom select something like "Save Sent Receipt"
Yea i think its just you cause its working for me
What were your settings before you fixed it?
(12-22-2010, 10:46 AM)Radioactive. Wrote: [ -> ]Whenever I send a PM, the message does not show up in my Sent folder. I am sure I sent it. I sent it twice to be sure.

Yeah, earlier today I got your message twice.
Pages: 1 2