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Black ops. It is an all around better game.
Blackops it has Zombies which i'm all about
I'll suggest playing both the games but play MW2 first and then go to Black Ops.
MW2 is better in my opinion, they failed with the graphics in Black Ops although the zombies are pretty good.
Black ops
Because it's the newest lol
Modern Warfare 2 is better because of the graphics, gameplay and guns.
Modern Warfare 2 for sure! I didn't like black ops, not sure what is was that made me not like it.

Was probably cause it was made by Treyarch.
Modern Warfare 2, without a doubt.
MW2 has and always will be a better game IMHO. Although Black Ops is very enjoyable and fun to me.
Well; here's my honest opinion.

Black ops isn't fun, but it's taken a lot of the mw2 crowd, especially all the video makers (basically forced to) and all of their fanboys.

I prefer modern warefare 2 because black ops isn't very fun, the weapons aren't the greatest and the way the perks were created was just garbo, and taking out quickscoping wasn't the best move either..

Well, zombies is sort of fun so I'll go on every other month to play a game or two of it with my friends, maybe hop on and play a game of search but you won't see me on it for more than an hour, and you'll only see me on it every couple of months.

I could tell in the trailers I wasn't going to like it and yup, I sort of regret buying the new copy, I should have bought a used one.

Waste of $70 to me...
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