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Full Version: What do/did you do when your first pet passed away?
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Well i was in a sad mood that day after a month i did get a other one.
I think my first pet to die was a hamster but i was quite young so got over it rather quickly.

But more recently, my cat got poisoned and came home to die. It was awful to watch and nothing nobody could seem to do Sad
Cried.... : . ( I was very upset.
I was 5 years old and watched a magic show and tried to revive it then i failed after 10 attempts and cried.
I had a dog named Roxie once. She was a Boxer. I cam home one day and my mom told me she gave her away to a friend. I sad for weeks, but eventually got over it I guess.
i was around 10, and i just cried for 2-3 days. it was a sad time Sad
I get very Depressed when an animal friend of mine dies
Its almost like losing a real friend in real life.
Understands me
We buried my dog in the back yard! It was are first and last dog so far!
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