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I have one, it's called Luna. It haves almost 2 years with me Smile
And I'm sure it's female, not absolutely sure tho.
I used to have two, but unfortunately they died a few years back.
One of them was 6 years old and the other was 2.
I used to have one.
His name was homer.
He died at the age of 4 months.
I don't know how or why.. But I came home from school a little later that one day, and I found him dead in his cage. Sad
I use to have 4 rabbits, they were about 2 years old or so each, their names were Fluffy, Tamara, Oscar and Ruffles.
Got one too, Mah sister has one too btw, Mines called Fluffy and the other one Snuitje [dutch], Fluffy is a male, the other one is a female.
I haven't a rabbit Sad I can't have one lol , I have already one snake and one dog
My brother and sister used to have one, my sisters was white and my brothers was grey. We gave them to an older couple because they wouldnt take care of them.
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