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I believe its language is very strong and very easy to learn.

More programs are currently inherited with LUA, I think we should make an section for it!

Only reason I made this thread is because there is no such "general" coding section, so I can post my question about LUA?
(10-08-2010, 01:10 AM)Zankza Wrote: [ -> ]I believe its language is very strong and very easy to learn.

More programs are currently inherited with LUA, I think we should make an section for it!

Only reason I made this thread is because there is no such "general" coding section, so I can post my question about LUA?

I'd rather see a general programming forum be implemented over a Lua forum. Lua isn't commonly used in the real world, and when it is it's almost always used for scripting purposes of an application (video games, Apache via mod_lua, Lightroom, etc.). A general programming forum would cover Lua and other languages without a specific forum, as well as non language-specific threads.
I have to question the traffic that a LUA section would get, maybe if you got enough people who would be willing to post actively in that section you could get it.
Lua is often used for gaming and game cheats like CS 1.6 cheats or CS Source cheats. It's a small language.
A search for 'Lua' returns 2 threads, including this one.
Certainly not enough for a section.
Yeah, I'd have to agree with this. A general programming section wouldn't be incredibly active but more useful than a LUA section.

(10-08-2010, 04:21 AM)Disease Wrote: [ -> ]I'd rather see a general programming forum be implemented over a Lua forum. Lua isn't commonly used in the real world, and when it is it's almost always used for scripting purposes of an application (video games, Apache via mod_lua, Lightroom, etc.). A general programming forum would cover Lua and other languages without a specific forum, as well as non language-specific threads.
(10-14-2010, 08:30 AM)Brandon Wrote: [ -> ]Yeah, I'd have to agree with this. A general programming section wouldn't be incredibly active but more useful than a LUA section.

It would, in the very least, provide a place for the topics that wouldn't otherwise necessitate its own forum. For example, I'd like to post a Subversion tutorial but choosing a place to put it right now is virtually impossible. It's language independent and all of the forums we currently have are too specific.
Just post it in a random coding section, I would like to see staff move it lmao.